Thursday, June 18, 2009

Deaccessioning Bill is Subject of Albany Letter to the Editor

Albany Times Union Letters to the Editor, first published Thursday, June 18, 2009

Recently there have been attempts in New York and elsewhere to monetize museum collections and to use that money for purposes other than the protection and expansion of collections. The Troy Public Library is an example ("Troy Public Library sculptures on auction block," June 9.)

The economic downturn has increased the financial pressure on these cultural institutions. However, selling pieces of their collections is inconsistent with accepted practice.

Without a law, the financial pressure and the bean counters will endanger collections that took centuries to acquire, many of which were donated by people who may not have intended to have their gifts sold. Unless these rules are codified, the integrity and existence of collections handed to us by earlier generations will be endangered.

Libraries and museums aren't private businesses. They are the custodians of our common cultural and historical heritage and have always been publicly supported, be it by tax preferences or direct cash. Collections aren't assets, to be tapped when things get genuinely difficult. If you sell sculptures to keep the doors open, soon you'll have open doors and no sculptures.

We have worked with the Board of Regents and the Museum Association of New York to craft legislation (A.6959) that incorporates the long-standing policies of most museums that are necessary to protect our cultural heritage in a time of economic stress. We urge you to join us in support.

Assemblyman Richard Brodsky
92nd Assembly District

How Museums Inspire Me

The first of our Wordles and haikus have arrived! We here at MANY look forward to your thoughts about how museums inspire (or challenge) you.

A haiku by David Palmquist, Head, Museum Chartering, NY State Museum:

The deaccessioned

work of art screams

but no one hears

From Lisa Delmonico, Director of Development, Mount Vernon Hotel Museum & Garden (NYC):

Museum tagline:

"Washington did not sleep here,

and neither can you."

Visit the MANY website for more.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Get Creative!

What's your vision for the future of the state's museum community? Where are we going as a community of practice and how do we get there? What do you as museum practitioners and museum-goers need to meet your vision? How do we harness our collective power? How can MANY help?

Get creative and tell us!
  • create a wordle image from your written vision by going to
  • make a 1-minute (or less) video about your vision and email it to us or post it directly on YouTube
  • email us photos of what you think museums do best
  • compose a haiku
  • post your thoughts on this blog
and don't forget....
  • plan to come to a conversation (see the schedule in the previous post)
  • take the survey (the address for it is in the previous post, too)